Divided into the First and Final FRCR examinations..
Fellowship to the Royal College of Radiologists (FRCR) examinations are divided into the First and Final FRCR examinations. The First FRCR exam is usually sat within the first year of training and focuses on the physics of radiology and radiological anatomy.
The Final FRCR examination is divided into Part A and B. Part A is now a two-paper examination sat over one whole day. Single best answer questions are asked over a range of specialities including musculoskeletal radiology, paediatrics, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, chest and cardiac and Neuroradiology. Part B is divided into reporting, rapid reporting session and an oral examination.
Further information on RCR examinations can be found here: https://www.rcr.ac.uk/clinical-radiology/clinical-radiology-examinations