Swansea Bay University Health Board
Morriston Hospital:
Morriston is a large teaching hospital with around 750 beds carrying out approximately 210,000 examinations per annum. It has recently been expanded and can boast a new Education Centre facility. Its services include Trauma & Orthopaedics, A & E, Renal, Cardio-thoracic surgery, Vascular surgery, General surgery, General medicine, Neurology and Neurosurgery, Neuro and Cardio-thoracic ITU, Plastic surgery, Maxillo-facial Surgery and Urology. It is a tertiary referral centre for pancreatic surgery and Burns and Plastics. We have a consultant body of 19 general radiologists (with sub speciality interests) and four neuroradiologists. There is cross site working at the other hospitals in ABM ULHB. At any one time, we may have up to 10 radiology trainees across 2 sites.
Our equipment includes general radiography, two fluoroscopy suites, two CT scanners, an MRI scanner, 5 ultrasound rooms and nuclear medicine. We have a dedicated Vascular angiography suite. Diagnostic reporting is a FUJI PACS system in line with the all Wales PACS system. There is an abundance of imaging work and a dedicated Consultant and radiographer body who contribute to teaching at each stage of the trainees progression through the training scheme. There is also ample opportunity for the development of specialist interests and for acquiring interventional skills. On-calls are busy and varied and trainees are on call from year 2 of training on a partial shift system. We operate a “duty” on call system (generalists and neuroradiologists). Presently, the general duty radiologist will field requests and answer queries during the day and evening (all scans are outsourced overnight).
College Tutor:
Dr David Martin, Phone 01792 702222 ext 33691
Singleton Hospital:
Singleton is a 550 bed hospital teaching hospital. The South Wales cancer centre is located in Singleton with radiotherapy and oncology services here. Its services also include General medicine, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Neonatology, Oncology, Breast Unit and an Acute GP Unit. There are 5 Consultants based here with a further 7 visiting Consultants providing subspecialist MSK, GI, Breast, Head and Neck and Gynaecological imaging. Our equipment includes general radiography, 1 Fluoroscopy suite, 1 CT scanner, 1 3T MRI scanner, 3 US rooms and nuclear medicine. Further US rooms are located in Ante natal clinic. Singleton site also encompasses the Institute of Life Science 2 facility (ILS2). This is a research unit hosted by Swansea College of Medicine to promote health gain and generate academic research. It provides the ideal opportunity for potential Radiological research for radiology Trainees in Wales. We currently operate an afternoon duty system and out of hours emergency work is covered from Morriston.
College Tutor:
Dr Peter Chowdhury, Phone 01792 205666 ext 5963
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport:
The Royal Gwent Hospital, incorporating St Woolos hospital, is a large District General Hospital with a total bed complement of approximately 850. The hospital provides services in General Medicine and Surgery, Urology, Orthopaedic Surgery, ENT and Ophthalmic Surgery, Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. There is an extremely busy ED, Medical Assessment Unit, a Day Surgery Unit, Intensive Care Unit, and High Dependency Units are also on site.
The department is equipped with 7 general radiographic rooms using DR and CR, 2 screening rooms and 1 an IR suite. There are 2 Multislice CT scanners including Cardiac CT and a 1.5 tesla MRI Scanner. There are 9 Ultrasound rooms. Nuclear medicine facility with CT capability, including a “Hawk-eye” gamma camera.
Nevill Hall Hospital, Abergavenny:
Nevill Hall is a modern District General Hospital which opened in 1969 with 500 beds. Most general medical and surgical specialties are represented on site. It has a busy ED, providing acute admissions in surgery medicine, orthopaedics and paediatric.
The main department is equipped consisting of 4 general radiographic rooms, 3 Digital Radiography and 1 Computerised Radiography, 1 screening room, 4 separate ultrasound rooms, mammography with digital stereo and an attached Mammography Ultrasound room. Nuclear medicine facility with CT capability, including a “Hawk-eye” gamma camera. The department also has a CT scanner and a 1.5T MRI scanner.
A trust-wide PACS (Fuji Synapse) system is in place.
College Tutors:
Royal Gwent - Dr Joseph Hamill
Nevill Hall - Dr Nick Cross
Phone 01633 234234
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
University Hospital of Wales:
This is a 1080 bed large teaching hospital situated approximately 2.5 miles from Cardiff city centre. It provides all services including tertiary cardiothoracic surgery, renal and bone marrow transplantation, neurosurgery and all paediatric services including tertiary surgery, paediatric intensive care and neonatology. There is a new Children’s Hospital for Wales (CHfW) on the site, which opened in April 2015. The hospital has just been awarded status as the major trauma centre for South Wales. It currently houses the busiest emergency department outside of London.
Equipment includes general radiography rooms, 8 ultrasound rooms, 3 Multi detector CT scanners, 2 dedicated vascular suites with another being built. MR refurbishment is underway to include 3 MR scanners, including one 3T. There are 2 dual headed gamma cameras with SPECT capability and a PETCT unit with cyclotron. The PACS system is currently Agfa but this will change to Fuji in line with all Wales PACS by 2019. G2 voice dictation system.
CHfW – 1 wide bore MR scanner, 1 US room, 1 screening room and 2 DR plain film rooms.
Llandough Hospital, Penarth:
This is 500-bed hospital 6 miles to the west of Cardiff. It houses state of the art Orthopaedic and Breast centres. It provides all general services in addition to the above specialist services.
Equipment includes general radiography rooms within main department and the orthopaedic centre, 2 screening rooms, 1 multi detector CT scanner, 3 room US suite, new dual headed gamma camera with SPECT capability, breast unit and an orthopaedic 1.5 T MR scanner.
College Tutor:
Dr Luke Wheeler: Phone 029 2074 3027
Cwm Taf University Health Board
Royal Glamorgan Hospital and Prince Charles Hospital:
The Royal Glamorgan Hospital has 500 beds carrying out approximately 120,000 examinations per annum.
We have a Consultant establishment of 22 Consultant Radiologists and a junior staff establishment of 6 StRs that rotate cross sites.
Equipment in RGH includes general radiography, general fluoroscopy, digital fluoroscopy for interventional procedures and angiography, ultrasonography including colour and power Doppler, nuclear imaging and CT. Special techniques performed include a wide range of interventional procedures.
The Department is equipped with computed radiography, PACS and digital archiving allowing soft copy reporting. There is 1 general-purpose fluoroscopy room with a C arm. There is a dedicated digital vascular suite, conventional mammography, a 3-room ultrasound suite, 2 GE Evolution CT scanners, 2 Siemens AERA MRI and a dual headed Gamma camera.
Prince Charles Hospital has approximately 430 beds, and provides acute emergency and elective medical and surgical services.
Intensive Care and Coronary Care; consultant-led obstetrics services with Special Care Baby Unit, inpatient consultant-led paediatric medicine and a busy Accident and Emergency unit. There are seven operating theatres. The hospital also provides sub-regional oral and maxillo-facial services and a full range of locally provided and visiting specialist outpatient services.
Prince Charles Hospital has 2 CR and 1 DR rooms. There are 5 operational US suites in General and antenatal. 2 CT scanners (Toshiba/1 Aquilon 1) and 1 MRI (Toshiba Atlas).
College Tutor:
Dr Grant Griffiths, Phone 01685 728594 Ext 3640