The Academy model for Welsh Radiology training
We are hugely excited about the prospect of moving to an Academy model for Welsh Radiology training.
The Academy training model has been successful in the three English Academies which were established more than 11 years ago. The National Imaging Academy Wales will endeavour to incorporate their best features and learn from their experiences to enhance the existing scheme.
An Academy trainee's time will be divided between training in the Academy and clinical placements.
The Academy teaching and clinical placements have been developed to build on the established and successful scheme and to optimise training opportunities by maximising the excellent and varied learning environments and exceptional trainers in South Wales.
Training is an apprenticeship model, further enhanced by a new Academy model, which will provide focussed training in the techniques, skills and professional aspects required of a consultant radiologist.
Trainees will receive teaching according to the Royal College of Radiology RCR National Curriculum with the purpose of gaining essential core knowledge and to pass the RCR examinations to gain FRCR. Trainees will also benefit from simulation training and self-directed learning, which will form essential elements of Academy training.
The Academy also offer great opportunities for clinical and educational research, particularly for trainees pursuing research initiatives.
Training is split into three years of Core training in all disciplines of clinical radiology followed by two years of subspecialty training. An additional sixth year of training is provided for those pursuing an interest and career in the sub-specialties of vascular interventional, neurovascular interventional radiology and nuclear medicine.