FRCR title

FRCR 2B Revision Course

7th September 2023, 9:00

FRCR 2B Revision Course

Organised by:    

Dr Tishi Ninan - Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UH

We will be using an online platform Collective Minds to host the written component of the course, with has full PACS image manipulation and scrolling capability. Candidates will be given access to practice on 3 sets of Reporting Tests and 3 sets of long cases during the course, and are expected to solve these cases and submit their answer on the online platform as per the ‘real’ exam. At least one set of long case answers will be marked by experienced examiners to provide direct feedback on your performance.

Tutor Review of all sets and hosting of VIVA sessions will be conducted on Microsoft Teams replicating the ‘real’ virtual FRCR 2B examination, allowing candidates to develop familiarity and confidence using the platform.

The two-day course simulating the FRCR 2B examination includes:

  • Rapid reporting with electronic marking Long cases simulating the RCR format and marked by examiners.
  • Dedicated feedback sessions where the cases and marking scheme are reviewed.
  • Online viva sessions using MS Teams with two examiners in each session.
  • Examiners are experienced in simulation examinations including previous FRCR Examiners.

Advice on Viva technique with feedback from previous RCR examiners.

Doctors of all levels welcome (FY1, FY2, CT, SpR, GPST, GP, SAS and Consultants) whatever your speciality and level of confidence in CXR interpretation.

Register your interest here