NIAW are working alongside NIPSB and Prostate Cancer UK..
Prostate Cancer UK have made it their ambition to make sure that every man with suspected prostate cancer is able to have an mpMRI scan before a biopsy by 2020.
Prostate Cancer UK is already collaborating with hospital trusts in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland to reach this goal however, the widespread adoption of the pre-biopsy MRI has been slower in Wales due to the lack of resources and complexity of the technique. Prostate Cancer UK have been working closely with the Welsh Government and the Public Health Wales to overcome the problems and provide solutions.
NIAW are working alongside National Imaging Programme Strategy Board and Prostate Cancer UK, as members of the Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Pathway Subgroup, to standardise training & practice in prostate cancer diagnostics across Wales and look forward to establishing dedicated mpMRI training in Wales.
As part of this collaboration, Prostate Cancer UK & Report and Image Quality Control (RAIQC) are supporting clinicians across the UK with a free, interactive training platform that supports the development of radiologists in reporting prostate mpMRIs. The system is easily accessible and emulates radiologists systems they work on every day. It enables Radiologists to regularly practice their reporting skills and is designed to gradually build their expertise. Providing immediate feedback from expert Uro-Radiologists, the platform is designed to build confidence in ruling some men out of biopsy and enhances ability to report complex cases.
Click link for the full details of the project and collaboration:
Click link to create an account and access RAIQC platform for free, interactive training:
Prostate Cancer UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1005541) and in Scotland (SC039332). Registered company 02653887.